2-pc green to gold changeante silk taffeta gown c/o day bodice w/ CF hook, eye & button closures, Swiss W trimmed w/ wide silk velvet bands to extended peplum at CB, military shaped 2-pc sleeves w/ wide self-cuffcedged in green silk velvet pleated & gathered to wide green silk velvet band w/ pleated bow, full trained skirt w/ 3 shaped bias cut green silk velvet bands to front terminating in large flat bows, B 34.5", W 22.5", L 16.5"-32",skirt W 23", L 39"-59", (shattering around CF buttons, underarm stains, inside elbows & 3.4" stain right B, missing 6 buttons, trim discolored left cuff, taken in at SSs, scattered stains to skirt, shattering at W) good-fair. Museum of the City of New York.